
HATKO HYBRIDGRASS can be installed in situ or as pre-grown turf in big rolls. Installations are typically completed in around 5-7 days when seeded in-situ or in 2-3 days when pre-grown HYBRIDGRASS turf sods are used. The in-situ installed fields may be ready to play the first game in 8-10 weeks after seeding while the pitch becomes game ready in 1 week when turf sods are used.

Grass establishment: The HYBRIDGRASS carpet is unrolled on a level and consolidated lower root zone layer in 4-meter-wide rolls. Once the carpet is installed the infill mixture is applied in layers of 6-8mm whilst brushing up the fibers. Due to its unique shape and properties, the Hatko Omega fiber stands up naturally and requires very limited abrasive brushing. The total required infill depth is 35mm loose bulk (32mm consolidated).

Once the infill is completed, high quality sports field grass is seeded into the surface. The ‘open’ texture of the backing ensures that the grass roots are not obstructed in theirvertical movement downwards where the grass crowns are protected by synthetic fibers.

In Stadium Installation

Carpet Installation & Seeding : 1-2 Week 
Grass Establishment : 8 Weeks 
Total Time : 10-12 Weeks 

Pre-Grown Turf (From Farm to Stadium)

Carpet Installation & Seeding : 1-2 Week 
Grass Establishment : 8 Weeks 
Total Time : 10-12 Weeks 

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