In deciding what type of pitch to invest in; it is crucial for the decision makers to understand the needs, the expectations, and the overall goal. The city of Malakoff in France had already decided for a natural pitch rather than a full synthetic pitch but ended up switching to Hybridgrass to be able to offer longer hours of play to meet the growing demand.

This bold choice was inspired by their commitment to the environment and their desire to preserve the stadium as an oasis for their community.
With our partners Groupe Loiseleur, Hatko Hybridgrass was installed in April 2023. Despite the capricious weather, only 4 weeks after seeding, the pitch has already achieved 96.5% coverage thanks to the patented HATKO Hybridgrass incorporating over 50% voids enhancing the growing conditions for the natural grass. The ‘open’ texture of the backing ensures that the grass roots are not obstructed in their vertical movement downwards.

10 weeks, the pitch is ready for play
And in 10 weeks, the pitch is ready for play, thanks to the meticulous groundswork of Soldrain Sols Sportifs who will be maintaining the pitch for the next 4 years. As evidenced with the performance of Atatürk Olympic Stadium which got 5 stars on the match day of Champions League Final in June 2023 4 years after installation; with diligent maintenance Malakoff stadium will surely enjoy their perfect pitch for many years to come.